Given the right conditions, work can be good for our mental health. But if the environment is negative, it can result to a number of mental health problems. There is more than just work productivity or sales quota. Mental health, if ignored, can lead to serious repercussion and that is why, we have to take it seriously.

Causes of mental health Issues at work
There are different work situations that can contribute to mental health problems. Here are some of the common ones you should be aware of.
• Lack of health and safety policies
• Inefficient management and communication practices
• Lack or over-the-top control over one's work
• Strict working hours
• Lack of support from team and the management
• Unclear objectives
• Huge load of responsibilities
How can we help those who are suffering from mental health issues at work?

Acknowledge mental health problems regardless of the cause
If you notice anyone having unusual difficulties at work, approach them and genuinely ask what you can do to help. It is crucial that we address the problem even if the cause isn't work related as personal issues can also affect work.
In most cases, people with mental health issues are looking for ways to channel their feelings. Talking to someone might help them. Having said that, managers and leaders should be trained to spot signs and symptoms of mental health problems.
Never downplay issues as we all have different threshold in dealing stress and conflicts. Mental illness is just like any other illnesses, and so we should break its stigma.
Educating employees about mental health
For the longest time, mental health has been ignored. However, with the increasing number of people suffering from depression and other mental health issues, it is a blessing in disguise that these issues have now surfaced and spoken about.
By educating employees about mental health, through programs or even online materials can help to further the awareness of this condition.
Understanding individual needs
It is also imperative to know that people have different needs when it comes to mental health treatment. Thus, it would be helpful if an organization will accredit mental health professionals where they could easily refer employees that might need their guidance.
Another solution is creating a support group so that people who are suffering from mental issues will not feel alone. And those who have already surpassed their challenges can help by sharing the best practices. Coaching and counseling are also highly encouraged.
Create a space where employees could relax
Lastly, a dedicated area for relaxation is recommended. Everyone, and especially people with mental health concerns need a breather, and this area can certainly help.
Break the mental health taboo in the workplace
We will be having a mental health conversation on our upcoming LITerally Online: Career Insights on Facebook Live, on 26th May 2020, 8:00pm. Join us as we discuss and spread awareness of mental health issues at workplace.